Monday, May 2, 2011

May Desktop Inspiration

It seems that I keep going back to our trip last August in Washington State for Desktop Inspiration images. If you have time and inclination to visit Washington State I recommend it without hesitation. You will find yourself surrounded with a rich variety of photographic opportunities. Even though we had a location planned for each day of our trip we often were sidetracked by some interesting feature along our way. Occasionally these distractions proved to be more appealing than our intended location - and as always, if the light is good - use it.
The Desktop Inspiration for May is a shot from  Rialto Beach - one of the many beaches on the west coast of Washington. Like many others it features the iconic sea stacks - some of which are accessible at low tide. A bonus at Rialto is that it is easily accessible and should you choose to stay for the sunset there is only a few minute walk back to your vehicle. A few days previously we had visited Shi Shi Beach and as much as we wanted to stay for the sunset at that location there was an hour long trek through old growth forest to get back to our car.
This image was taken with an 8mm Samyang fisheye lens. The lens is an excellent value, affordable for a fisheye, very sharp at f8 and invites all sorts of alternate viewpoints that can not be captured with even a standard wide angle lens.